The City of Lancaster

The City of Lancaster 

It’s an honor to work and dwell in Lancaster City. This community has so much to offer. We all find a way to belong in Lancaster, one way or another. As time goes by we can see it growing and changing. You can make plans or just head downtown to see what it has to offer. We love that this town cares about the quality of life for the people in it, all different kinds of people from all different walks of life is what makes this a community. The music, events, art, restaurants, historical preservation, opportunity, theater, markets, fundraisers, nonprofits, different cultures, welcoming neighborhoods are often made possible by the people that work in this city, for this city. To us, the effort and energy behind all of this greatness just keeps getting better and stronger as time goes by.

“We use photography to highlight the City of Lancaster’s attractions, shopping, dining, history and events. It’s important to keep content fresh and relevant as Lancaster is constantly growing, changing and becoming even better! It has been really helpful to partner with The Premise Studio and their Visual Storytelling program to capture the essence of Lancaster as a place to visit, work and play”

— Annie Weeks , Director, Lancaster Office of Promotion,
Economic Development & Neighborhood Revitalization

— Images by Jen Foster